South Park, dirtiest joke ever

Oh, man - I saw "The Aristocrats" yesterday & that's FAR from the foulest (or the funnies) part of the movie - though it is great.
Yeah, I guess that makes me a comedy moron. I don't see why it's funny, or why they needed to make a whole movie about people telling it.


That was so wrong, yet so funny. Yep, I'm going to hell alright.


It's good to be the king...
That was a really evil joke.....

[edit] and I thought South Park couldn't top "testicle shitting rectal wart" or "donkey raping shit eater"
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some good stuff. wasnt the funniest but it was great. i love southpark
hahaha, omg that was soo foul man,.... a great find though!
The Aristocrats is joke that includes all the worst things a person could think of. It has numerous versions, depending on who tells it