
Closed Account
Re: racisim in porn

why do most female pornstars refuse to fuck black guys on camera ? i would give an arm to see jenna jameson or tera patrick with a big jiucy black cock up their ass.:nanner:

Hello and Welcome to free ones. I find this a rather odd first post myself, but whatever. Its been done to death I know that. No place in here or in this world for that matter for racism. Moving on....

I will say its a woman's choice to sleep with whom she pleases, every woman. I see it as personal taste in men not racism. Like some men don't care for Asian girls or heavy girls and some don't care for black girls. Doesn't make them racist.

Just my :2 cents:



Closed Account
Re: racisim in porn

aw, LL I was hoping for your usual vigilance on pointing out nefarious rethreads.

although to be fair, I guess a search for "racisim in porn" wouldn't have shown the results for the thread titled "racism in porn."

There's more than one thread here about it. I grow tired of searching for others at times though sorry. A search of the "posts" not "threads" though would have probably slowed down the server with results.

Its because most people don't think before starting threads, good rule of thumb is use key words as he did today, so others can search for the thread later. If its about apple trees say apple trees, not "mmmmm Yummy lets make pie!" When someone then search "apple trees" oh well not there, but I know somebody did one. :dunno:

Re: racisim in porn

I will say its a woman's choice to sleep with whom she pleases, every woman. I see it as personal taste in men not racism. Like some men don't care for Asian girls or heavy girls and some don't care for black girls. Doesn't make them racist.

Just my :2 cents:


Thank you LL, I have been saying that all along, but it's like some people want to turn something that isn't racist into something that is, there is enough racism in the world, and people seem to create more instead of trying to get away from it.
Re: racisim in porn

Thank you LL, I have been saying that all along, but it's like some people want to turn something that isn't racist into something that is, there is enough racism in the world, and people seem to create more instead of trying to get away from it.

I think you are mistaken. It is racism when you say or are of the opinion that you would not sleep with ANY asian or black or white or whatever person, purely based on their race.
Are you seriously telling me that it is not racism if you are not willing to consider sleeping with ANY person of a different race. How do you know what EVERY asian/black/whte person in the world looks like? That is what racism is about, making generalisations about an entire race of people (billions of people). What about mixed race people? What about people who look like a different race.
For example, many lebanese look like western people. So if a western person says that he is not willing to sleep with any arab, that is racism, as he is making generalisations about an entire race, without considering the appeal of 1 person from that race.
If a person says that they are not willing to sleep with THAT PARTICULAR black/asian/white etc person, then that would be fine in my opnion.


Closed Account
Re: racisim in porn

I think you are mistaken. It is racism when you say or are of the opinion that you would not sleep with ANY asian or black or white or whatever person, purely based on their race.

Are you seriously telling me that it is not racism if you are not willing to consider sleeping with ANY person of a different race. How do you know what EVERY asian/black/whte person in the world looks like?

Please show me where it was said these women didn't do scenes because they hated blacks. That would be racism. Also I don't understand what the underlined statement means, what does looks have to do with racism?

It is not racism, its a personal choice, until a particular person states their tastes are based on being a racist. News flash. There are Blacks, Asians, every color of the rainbow in porn as well as midgets, shemales and many other "different" people in porn. So how in this world can anyone say porn is full of racism? Racism would be lack of other races in the industry, which is certainly not the case. Not certain stars not wanting to do scenes with them. You can't demand someone to do your bidding.

If a certain person doesn't care to sleep with black men and yes I'm saying any black man that's their right, its not racism. As well its their right to refuse midgets or Asians or the man with the weird haircut. :dunno: That's no different then men that don't like BBW's or blonds or whatever. Its a matter of personal preference only I feel, not racism. Don't you avoid eating foods you don't like? Just IMHO.



Retired Moderator
Re: racisim in porn

... So if a western person says that he is not willing to sleep with any arab, that is racism, ...
Sorry to disagree with you, but this is NOT racism. Racism is if a person says that sleeping with someone of different race is like sleeping with a chimpanzee. Generalisation about considering people of different race as attractive/unattractive to sleep with doesn't offend anyone's dignity. Only if I consider persons of different race as less human and inferior than persons of my race, I can be called a racist.
I don't need a definition ...

I just know that when people exclude other people, they are missing out on their own happiness.

I know that when I was very young, I didn't care for African American women who were very dark. I would only look at a few, more pale African American women. A couple years later, I wanted to smack the hell out of myself for all the happiness I was pissing away with my exclusions. Was I racist? Hardly. But the result is the same as racism, people miss out on consideration -- especially for their own happiness.

A lot of times people just tend to favor what they are used to. Change is always difficult. Once you do you feel like you were an idiot before.

One of my favorite curves right now is Ms. Panther and, before her, Sierra. In fact, I tend to favor African American women of dark complexions, not lighter. Such a fool in my extreme youth. At least I woke up by early high school.


Closed Account
At least have the minimal spine and balls required to nuke all of the discussion, rather than leave the half you find politically correct, you pussies.


The ‘whore’ pejorative - is what common white women involved in interracial relationships; receive from racialist white people in response to their dating choices.

‘Whore,’ is what they consider white women that date black men.
It is more a signifier of what they feel about black men, than white women.


Closed Account
Oh, so because a small, but vocal-on-the-web portion of the viewers for this type of porn are white males, that makes the black males the victim?


While the genitalia, and sexual ‘prowess’ of black men may be exalted in these films, their humanity is equally denigrated, and the blonde female is put on a superior pedestal because of her racial characteristics - but is deemed a whore for her sexual choices.
Re: racisim in porn

I've been over the whole pornstar argument. They have sex for money. Off camera, they do any guy, rich poor white black whatever, for large amounts of money. If they will only do one race or will not do a particular race on film, then they are racist.

There is a problem with this. How the hell do you know what each and every pornstar feels? How do you know that they all escort when they aren't shooting movies? How do you know what people they will have sex with for money when the cameras are off. How do you know they do or don't have sex with other races when the cameras are off of them? You Might know of certain ones that do or don't do certain things, but you have a bad habit of speaking for everybody? You have done this in other places talking about this same subject also. If I was in there shoes and you didn't know me, it would quite frankly piss me off if somebody accused me of something when they had absolutely no information about me and didn't know me. Lets just say I highly doubt you have accurate, concrete, and firsthand information on every pornstar that has ever existed that has never done interracial.


Closed Account

The ‘whore’ pejorative - is what common white women involved in interracial relationships; receive from racialist white people in response to their dating choices.

‘Whore,’ is what they consider white women that date black men.
It is more a signifier of what they feel about black men, than white women.

Do you think "whore" is not a white on white term too ? I see no mention here of "women that date blacks". Please pull another card from your deck. I'm sorry, I just don't see you way of thinking.

whore (hôr, hōr)
A prostitute.
A person considered sexually promiscuous.
A person considered as having compromised principles for personal gain.

intr.v., whored, whor·ing, whores.
To associate or have sexual relations with prostitutes or a prostitute.
To accept payment in exchange for sexual relations.
To compromise one's principles for personal gain.


While the genitalia, and sexual ‘prowess’ of black men may be exalted in these films, their humanity is equally denigrated, and the blonde female is put on a superior pedestal because of her racial characteristics - but is deemed a whore for her sexual choices.

I won't even address this one except to say, the conversation in here is turning from a lite "is there or isn't there" to very deep and disturbing racist statements. I'm out.:hatsoff:

I, for one ...

I, for one, am sick and tired of all of the judgment on this board.
People judging others, and stating what the facts are without having any similar perspective or experience.
People wanting to assert what is "right" and what is "wrong" as if they are morally compelled to do so.

I know this board is about half 20-somethings from previous polls.
But I don't remember being quite that judgmental in my youth.
Especially not on a board that should be open-minded, at least in theory.

"Hate" has always been an agenda, and sometimes people "hate" alleged "hate" to the point there is no difference between the two.


Retired Moderator
It seems to me that there are at least as many "racisms" as numerous are the people discussing it, which makes the discussion pointless. :confused: :dunno:


Retired Moderator
The problem is in the definition of racism, we should probably make it clear first.

I use the word "racism" in this meaning: the doctrine or belief that some race (usually own) is inherently superior and predestined to rule over other races (usually not own), because they are inferior or even subhuman and thus non deserving full individual rights belonging to human beings.

Therefore, prejudices and stereotypes about other races - however stupid may they be - have no importance for me and don't give me any reason (or even right) to blame people for racism unless their activities strive to deny individual rights of people of different race(s) and/or to offend their dignity.


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Damn... my post got deleted again! This is crazy.

Anyways, you can argue about whether it's "racism" or not. But there's no denying that it IS in fact racial descrimination.


Retired Moderator
That's their choice. We don't have to like it, but we have to respect it. As I wrote about 1 month ago, they make their money and it is up to them to do it in the way they consider as the most convenient for that purpose (i.e. if you don't like a star due to any reason, don't support her by buying her stuff).


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
I dont respect any starlets who make that choice. But I dont fault them as much as I fault the industry, and whoever esle is pumping this nonsense in their heads about them being shunned by their fanbase.

IMO, what we need is a black star (male or female) to come along and do to porn what Tiger Woods has done to golf. I think that would put aside all this nonsense.
Some of you that have probably never spoken to a pornstar in your lives get pissed off because I am "speaking for them"? I am speaking from experience. I am speaking about the scores and scores of porn girls I've met, some that fuck various races on film, and some that don't, MOST that escort, and 100% of those that escort that have absolutely no discrimination policy about those they escort with, if you have the money.

In other words, $2000 for sex off camera can come from anywhere, it's still $2000. End of story. Fat old rich poor white black diseased or not, they don't discriminate, you wrap it up, you have two grand, you get to put it in. Period.

That's the difference between men and women.

I didn't read most of this thread since frankly I'm not upto it but anyone who thinks pornstars who don't do interracial are racist, is, no offense, an idiot. and I'm not making this out of thin air, I have seen a few people think this on another thread on this subject.
Well I think anyone that would support a team that gets relegated to Serie B for cheating and threatens Buffon's family to keep him from leaving, is also an idiot. At least I don't support a team that plays in shirts that look like prison clothes. Touche my friend. I know you don't like censorship, neither do I, but I live in the country where this racist porn is being made, and to compare whites and blacks in SOME areas to Israelis and Palestinians, would NOT be far off. They live in completely different neighbourhoods usually, ethnically segregated, one group generally a lot poorer than the other, and both live in clouds shrouded with racist mist about the other, rarely ever actually doing any cross-racial exploration which would lead to their stereotypes breaking down. America is a very very quote "racialist" place. Haha.

Well I know how the American society works, I do have a TV. What I was saying is that people who assume by the mere fact that a girl has never done any interracial scenes is because she is a racist. They assume she is a racist without any evidence of such thing, and that is idiotic. Wouldn't you agree?
On the same scale you could say that a girl who doesn't do anal scenes is homophobic (it's not the same but go with me on this one).