Pump Packing Replacement

  • Опубликовано: 28 мар 2025
  • fire pump packing,pump packing,pump packing adjustment,pump
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Комментарии • 38

  • @ShadyGhazy
    @ShadyGhazy  3 года назад +2

    Pumps: ruclips.net/p/PLiLi0iBi4Dww7h3JNBAS30kWSdI1ldpUE

  • @willlock3644
    @willlock3644 17 дней назад

    When you get to the lantern ring, open up the supply valve slightly to pressurize the inside of the pump with city pressure. It will start to push the landing ring out so you don’t need to pull it. It will also push out the other two or three rings worth of packing. It helps.

  • @tommycarrasco225
    @tommycarrasco225 6 лет назад +6

    You said it the "80's"! In Texas we use a procedure while installing the new packing set called the seatit... How do you seat every ring to the bottom of the stuffing box correctly? Well, the tool is very unique and manufactured here in North America to set every ring to the bottom of the stuffing box one at a time to ensure that every ring is seated from the bottom to the top with equal amount of pressure radially. So, when you finished setting every ring you never pressed the first four rings to the bottom of the stuffing box with equal amount of pressure. Now you will create ware on the shaft sleeve on number five and six rings cause you used the gland follower to push the rings to the bottom of the stuffing box. For instance, if you took a loaf of bread and stood it up and used force to push the top slice to the bottom slice you would only have squeezed the top third of the loaf never putting pressure on the bottom third of the loaf. You'll never create a seal if you can't seat every ring radially to the bottom of the stuffing box and you will burn the packing up before it ever runs reliably. Hope this sums it up... Have a blessed day!

    • @ShadyGhazy
      @ShadyGhazy  6 лет назад

      Thanks tommy for your comment

  • @thullyyvonnesibisi2165
    @thullyyvonnesibisi2165 3 года назад +6

    This is so helpful. Thank you

  • @johnnyreb280
    @johnnyreb280 3 месяца назад +1

    Oh man.... I've done this so many times on little pumps similar to this on up to giant deLaval steam pumps.

    • @johnnyreb280
      @johnnyreb280 3 месяца назад +1

      Our plant was huge building 1920's

    • @heavy780
      @heavy780 3 месяца назад +1

      Are u a millwright?

  • @dereck377
    @dereck377 3 года назад +2

    Awesome video. Very helpful

    • @ShadyGhazy
      @ShadyGhazy  3 года назад

      Thanks for your interest and ur welcome 👍

  • @gillesaudergon1020
    @gillesaudergon1020 2 года назад +1

    Old but realy good vidéo tanks you

  • @montey1017
    @montey1017 3 года назад +2

    Just used this vid to re pack a Clarke fire pump. RUclips really does have a tutorial for anything.

  • @AhmedAbounar88
    @AhmedAbounar88 6 лет назад +3

    So useful to me. Many thanks.

  • @chundrusatyanarayana3161
    @chundrusatyanarayana3161 3 года назад +1

    Good stuff

  • @topsealing851
    @topsealing851 2 года назад +1


  • @GemmyHeart
    @GemmyHeart Год назад

    Main products: sealing gasket,gland packing,PTFE/graphite/asbestos products, ceramic fiber products, high temperature heat insulation and fireproof material.
    Free technical support (sealing, heat preservation, heat insulation, fire prevention problems)
    All products 1 piece can also be customized, 30 years of service experience, fast and safe shipping anywhere.

  • @ShadyGhazy
    @ShadyGhazy  6 лет назад +1

    To visit our amazing store

  • @못난히
    @못난히 4 года назад

    패킹 만남 지점 서로 반대 여러개 조리게 조이면 압착 밀봉 패킹 내열 내마모 내윤활성 강한것

  • @tommywatterson5276
    @tommywatterson5276 2 года назад +1

    I can see how this would be good for not having to replace the actual pump which looks like it would be a big and expensive job. I would rather have a sealed bearing of some type that can be pressed on and pulled off if it starts leaking.

  • @robertcerda92
    @robertcerda92 5 лет назад +1

    Is that the bad guy from Robocop?
    Just kidding. Very useful.

  • @electricaltech4u45
    @electricaltech4u45 5 лет назад

    How be come oily. You put in lubricant

  • @austinhologroski
    @austinhologroski 2 года назад +2

    Dirty hands clean money

  • @praba991ify
    @praba991ify 7 лет назад +3

    Ahh the 80s

  • @ОдинокийКурильщик-ж2д

    Много. текста ! ....

  • @mahendrathakormahendrathak4634
    @mahendrathakormahendrathak4634 4 года назад +1
