So Cal Muscular Calves
Barfuß Fokus und Flexibilität des inneren Kopfes
9/13/23 12:15 AM•3 Min•338 MB•mp4•1080pKlicken für Vorschau9/13/23 12:15 AM•3 Min•338 MB•mp4•1080pPreis€3.99 EURKategorieKälberVerwandte KategorienWadenmuskel-Fetisch,Fußfetisch,Muskelkontrolle,Muskulöse Waden,Faltige SohlenBeschreibung"Dieser Clip konzentriert sich auf die großen runden inneren Köpfe von So Cal und sie ist barfuß. Sie entspannt und kontrahiert ihre nackten Füße, wodurch ihre inneren Köpfe stark anschwellen. Sie wirft auch ein wenig Flexen von hinten ein, während sie hoch auf den Zehenspitzen steht, mit schönen Aufnahmen der Sohlen ihrer Füße. Schau sie sich in HD an! <\/p>"
- 9/12/23 4:49 AM•4 Min•461 MB•mp4•1080pPreis€4.99 EURKategorieKälberVerwandte KategorienWadenmuskel-Fetisch,Übung,Muskelkontrolle,Muskulöse Waden,Muskulöse FrauenBeschreibung"
Im Fitnessstudio beim Cardio-Training, um ihre geformten, hart wie Stein Wadenmuskeln noch mehr zu definieren. Ich gebe dir einen Vorgeschmack aus nächster Nähe und persönlich, indem ich meine Wadenmuskeln anspanne, bevor ich auf den Stairmaster steige. Sie sind riesig und direkt vor deiner Nase. Dann darfst du zusehen, wie sich meine Wadenmuskeln beim Treppensteigen anspannen und wieder entspannen, bei jedem Schritt, den ich mache, indem ich auf meinen Zehenspitzen abstoße. Ich trete zurück und nun sind meine großen Wadenmuskeln wieder direkt vor deiner Nase, aber jetzt sind sie von der Stairmaster-Einheit gepumpt. Schau sie dir in HD an! <\/p>"
- 9/12/23 4:19 AM•4 Min•537 MB•mp4•1080pPreis€4.99 EURKategorieKälberVerwandte KategorienWadenmuskel-Fetisch,High Heels,Muskelkontrolle,Muskelverehrung,Muskulöse WadenBeschreibung
Auf den Treppen hinaufgehen und ihre großen, harten wie ein Felsmuskel von allen Seiten und Winkeln flexen, während sie schwarze hohe Absätze trägt! Schau dir ihr Video in HD an !!
Autofahrt Muskuläre Kontrolle und Anbetung Hohe Absätze
9/12/23 3:54 AM•3 Min•281 MB•mp4•1080pKlicken für Vorschau9/12/23 3:54 AM•3 Min•281 MB•mp4•1080pPreis€3.99 EURKategorieKälberVerwandte KategorienWadenmuskel-Fetisch,High Heels,Muskelkontrolle,Muskelverehrung,Muskulöse WadenBeschreibung"So Cal genießt die Fahrt und sitzt auf der Beifahrerseite des Autos, mit ihren hohen Absätzen auf dem Armaturenbrett. Sie spielt mit ihren großen, vollen, sexy Wadenmuskeln, schüttelt sie mit der Hand und lässt sie sich hart zusammenziehen, sodass die Wadenmuskeln hervorstechen. Es gibt auch ein tolles Gespräch zwischen ihr und dem Fahrer! Schau sie dir in HD an!! <\/p>"
- 9/20/22 8:05 PM•3 Min•389 MB•mp4•1080pPreis€3.99 EURKategorieKälberVerwandte KategorienWadenmuskel-Fetisch,Fußfetisch,Muskelkontrolle,Muskulöse Waden,SohlenBeschreibung
So Cal puts on a super sexy muscular calves show on the stairs wearing a tight black dress and barefeet. She walking up the stairs flexing her chiseled rock hard calf muscles with every step. She shows them off from both sides and back. The full body shots shows that the whole package is sexy not just the muscular calves. She reps her calf muscles in all three foot positions with nice close ups. The soles of her feet look amazing as she on her tippy toes fully contracting her tanned calf muscles. Check her out in HD!!
Black Mini Dress High Heels Outdoors Lotion Massage
9/18/22 8:12 PM•5 Min•345 MB•mp4•720pKlicken für Vorschau9/18/22 8:12 PM•5 Min•345 MB•mp4•720pPreis€5.99 EURKategorieKälberVerwandte KategorienWadenmuskel-Fetisch,High Heels,Muskelkontrolle,Muskelverehrung,Muskulöse WadenBeschreibungWalking outdoors in the beautiful summer sunshine wearing a tight black mini dress and black high heels with the camera following behind capturing every sexy step and flex of her big tanned calf muscles. When she got to the car, she massaged lotion all over her flexing calf muscles. She wanted to make sure they were silky smooth when everyone is checking them out. Check her out in HD!!
- 9/17/22 11:00 PM•3 Min•346 MB•mp4•1080pPreis€3.99 EURKategorieKälberVerwandte KategorienBarfuß,Wadenmuskel-Fetisch,Muskelkontrolle,Muskulöse Waden,SohlenBeschreibung
This low angle view of So Cal flexing her huge calf muscles barefoot focuses on her thick inner heads. Check her out in HD!!
So Cal Muscular Calves Running Shoes Socks and Barefeet
3/30/21 2:08 AM•4 Min•284 MB•mp4•720pKlicken für Vorschau3/30/21 2:08 AM•4 Min•284 MB•mp4•720pPreis€4.99 EURKategorieKälberVerwandte KategorienWadenmuskel-Fetisch,Fußfetisch,Muskelkontrolle,Muskulöse Waden,SohlenBeschreibungThis is an awesome closeup of So Cal's huge rock hard calf muscles flexing in running shoes, socks and finally barefeet. She flexes her sexy bulging calf muscles from all sides with very creative posing. It's mind blowing how big and hard they look. Check her out!!
SoCal Muscular Calves White Man Shirt Barefeet Toe Pointing and Leg Crossing
3/22/21 3:42 PM•7 Min•738 MB•mp4•1080pKlicken für Vorschau3/22/21 3:42 PM•7 Min•738 MB•mp4•1080pPreis€7.49 EURKategorieKälberVerwandte KategorienWadenmuskel-Fetisch,Muskelkontrolle,Muskelverehrung,Muskulöse Waden,Spitze ZehenBeschreibungSo Cal is in the closet and sees men's dress shirts. She can't stop thinking about how they would look on her used as a dress. She grabs a white one and starts to model in it. She walks to the bed laying on her stomach and pointing her toes. She's barefoot so you get awesome shots of her huge bulging calf muscles as well as the sexy soles of her feet. She leaves no position left out as she points her toes with toes pointed in, out and neutral. Every angle shows how truly amazing her calf muscles are because they look incredible in each position. Then she sits on a chair crossing her legs and lifting her heels causing her calf muscles to roll into a big beautiful round ball of rock hard muscle. She's not done....she starts to massage her sexy calf muscles as she flexes them. Oh yes, she really does some sexy muscle worship on her calf muscles. Check her out in HD!!
So Cal Muscular Calves Jeans Leg Crossing Muscle Control
3/22/21 2:47 PM•4 Min•275 MB•mp4•720pKlicken für Vorschau3/22/21 2:47 PM•4 Min•275 MB•mp4•720pPreis€4.99 EURKategorieKälberVerwandte KategorienWadenmuskel-Fetisch,Muskelkontrolle,Muskelverehrung,Muskulöse Waden,Spitze ZehenBeschreibungSo Cal is kicking back at home with her feet kicked up on the couch. She's relaxing but never to chilled to flex her big bulging calf muscles. She crosses her legs and make her calf muscles pop! As she points her toes and also pulling her foot back towards her body, her calf muscles roll underneath her thick jeans....crazy sexy! Lots of foot play and calf muscles flexing as she changes from one leg to the other. Check her out in HD!!
So Cal Muscular Calves Red High Heels and Tight Jeans Reach HD
12/23/20 9:06 PM•5 Min•530 MB•mp4•1080pKlicken für Vorschau12/23/20 9:06 PM•5 Min•530 MB•mp4•1080pPreis€5.99 EURKategorieKälberVerwandte KategorienBarfuß,Große Beine,Wadenmuskel-Fetisch,High Heels,Muskulöse WadenBeschreibungAs she steps into the camera view wearing tight jeans and red high heels you know it's going to be special. We all know what it looks like and what it does to us and the jeans when her brick thick calf muscles relax and contract under the thick fabric of her jeans....yeah THAT! Here we go again but this time in red high high heels. No I didn't stutter, her heels are really high! That's a plus because the super high heels cause her to flex her sexy calf muscles involuntarily. I call that an easy flexer! Remember that word flex because there's a lot of that going on in this clip. I forgot to mention, she's reaching. Reach Challenge is full affect as she struggles to get items off the top shelf. The view point is from the knees down so you can totally focus on her calves. No fake posing here! She's definitely straining and struggling to get the items down. Awesome close up low angle shots of her huge bulging calf muscles. Check her out in HD!!
So Cal Muscular Calves Socks and Calves Under The Table HD
12/16/20 8:30 PM•7 Min•771 MB•mp4•1080pKlicken für Vorschau12/16/20 8:30 PM•7 Min•771 MB•mp4•1080pPreis€7.49 EURKategorieKälberVerwandte KategorienBarfuß,Wadenmuskel-Fetisch,Gekreuzte Beine Fetisch,Muskulöse Waden,SohlenBeschreibungIt's winter and it's cold outside. So Cal is cozy and warm inside with the fireplace going wearing ankle high socks and shorts. The camera view is underneath the table....PERFECT!! You get the feeling that you're seating Indian Style under the table the best seat in the house. The foot and calf play starts and it's amazing. She lifts her heels off the floor and her calf muscles roll into a beautiful sexy ball of muscle. She also points her toes and rolls her feet inward and outward to show her flexing calf muscles from all angles. They look incredible....chiseled rock hard slabs of sexy muscle. Check her out in HD!!
So Cal Muscular Calves Tight Jeans Standing and Seated Calves and Feet HD
12/15/20 2:07 PM•6 Min•694 MB•mp4•1080pKlicken für Vorschau12/15/20 2:07 PM•6 Min•694 MB•mp4•1080pPreis€6.99 EURKategorieKälberVerwandte KategorienBarfuß,Wadenmuskel-Fetisch,Gekreuzte Beine Fetisch,Muskulöse Waden,SohlenBeschreibungSo Cal really puts on an amazingly sexy show standing and seated. She's wearing tight blue jeans and they can not find her huge bulging calf muscles as she flexes. While standing she gets super high on the tip of her tippy toes and her thick rock hard calf muscles pop! She flexes them in a variety of foot positions which is crazy sexy because you can see how incredibly developed they are from all angles. She's seated crossing her legs and pointing her toes and her huge calf muscles respond...bulging like crazy! Awesome shots of the soles of her feet and her cute toes. Check her out in HD!!
So Cal Muscular Calves Peanut Butter Tight Dress Reach High Heels and Barefeet HD
8/18/20 6:11 PM•4 Min•400 MB•mp4•1080pKlicken für Vorschau8/18/20 6:11 PM•4 Min•400 MB•mp4•1080pPreis€4.99 EURKategorieKälberVerwandte KategorienWadenmuskel-Fetisch,Fußfetisch,Muskelkontrolle,Muskulöse Waden,SohlenBeschreibungCruising through a beautiful model home during her first visit to Arizona, So Cal walks in high heels, poses her chiseled calf muscles in high heels and barefeet. She also checks out the kitchen cabinets with sexy reaching. The sunlight hits her huge calves perfectly as she walks up the stairs with calf muscles popping! Check her out in HD!!
So Cal Muscular Calves Sheer Grey Stockings Bedroom Heels HD
8/8/20 4:42 PM•4 Min•525 MB•mp4•1080pKlicken für Vorschau8/8/20 4:42 PM•4 Min•525 MB•mp4•1080pPreis€4.99 EURKategorieKälberVerwandte KategorienWadenmuskel-Fetisch,Netzstrümpfe,Fußfetisch,High Heels,Muskulöse WadenBeschreibungSo Cal is in the bedroom seated putting on sexy sheer grey stockings and high heels. She does sexy leg crossing as she puts on her stockings and then high heels. She stands and flexes with her huge chiseled calf muscles popping through the sheer stocking. She shows them off in a variety of positions so you don't miss anything. Check her out in HD!!
So Cal Muscular Calves Foot Play Toe Pointing Barefeet HD
8/7/20 6:28 PM•4 Min•410 MB•mp4•1080pKlicken für Vorschau8/7/20 6:28 PM•4 Min•410 MB•mp4•1080pPreis€4.99 EURKategorieKälberVerwandte KategorienWadenmuskel-Fetisch,Fußfetisch,Muskulöse Waden,Spitze Zehen,SohlenBeschreibungSo Cal is relaxing on the bed and found herself pointing her toes. Why not give her fans a treat and capture her foot and calf play. Amazing shots of the soles of her feet and her bulging calf muscles as she plays footsies. Check her out in HD!!
So Cal Muscular Calves Fishnet Stockings Bedroom Heels and Barefeet HD
8/5/20 3:03 PM•3 Min•428 MB•mp4•1080pKlicken für Vorschau8/5/20 3:03 PM•3 Min•428 MB•mp4•1080pPreis€3.99 EURKategorieKälberVerwandte KategorienWadenmuskel-Fetisch,Netzstrümpfe,Fußfetisch,High Heels,Muskulöse WadenBeschreibungIncredibly sexy clip of So Cal during her Arizona trip wearing fishnet stockings. She's seated at first with red high heels doing leg crossing and flexing. Them she stands and takes the heels off for sexy calf muscle flexing and nice shots of the soles of her feet. Check her out in HD!!
So Cal Muscular CalvesTight Blue Jeans High Heels Outdoors HD
8/4/20 1:25 PM•4 Min•386 MB•mp4•1080pKlicken für Vorschau8/4/20 1:25 PM•4 Min•386 MB•mp4•1080pPreis€4.99 EURKategorieKälberBeschreibungSo Cal is wearing my favorite pair of skin tight jeans with high heels. Awesome variety of posing as she flexes them walking outdoors and repping them out with her toes pointed in different foot positions. Her huge contest ready calf muscles bulge through the thick fabric of the jeans. Nothing can hide the cuts in her thickly muscled calves. Check her out in HD!!
So Cal Muscular Calves Reach Kitchen Heels and Outdoors HD
8/3/20 3:59 PM•3 Min•345 MB•mp4•1080pKlicken für Vorschau8/3/20 3:59 PM•3 Min•345 MB•mp4•1080pPreis€3.99 EURKategorieKälberVerwandte KategorienWadenmuskel-Fetisch,Fußfetisch,High Heels,Muskelkontrolle,Muskulöse WadenBeschreibungSo Cal is in contest shape wearing sexy short cut off jeans as she reaches in the kitchen to rearrange a few items on the top shelf and also walking outdoors in the natural sunlight. Her calf muscles are ultra chiseled as she walks and flexes. Check her out in HD!!
So Cal Muscular Calves Running Shoes Barefeet Flex HD
7/29/20 6:28 PM•4 Min•278 MB•mp4•720pKlicken für Vorschau7/29/20 6:28 PM•4 Min•278 MB•mp4•720pPreis€4.99 EURKategorieKälberVerwandte KategorienWadenmuskel-Fetisch,Fußfetisch,Muskelkontrolle,Muskulöse Waden,SohlenBeschreibungAwesome clip of So Cal's super defined calf muscles post competition shape. They look big, rock hard and with lots of definition. She starts off with running shoes on flexing from a variety of angles. Then to shoes come off and she continues to show her sexy chiseled calf muscles from the front, sides and back. She also does a special tribute to the foot fans with kneeling shots of the soles of her feet. Check her out in HD!!