Cheerleader Amirah has been exercising very hard over the last couple of months for a very important competition. She is on the treadmill in the gym when she experiences heavy chest pains, and almost falls off the machine. Her girlfriend runs to help her and asks about her conditions, but Amirah gasps and her eyes roll back. Her friend calls for help, and receptionist Hillary calls the ambulance and comes to assist with an AED machine. They follow the machine's audible instructions, cut off Amirah's top and place the AED pads. They push the button but there is no response. They start CPR with strong chest compressions and MTM breathing thru an MTM mask. Both rescuers perform MTM and CPR too and switch places. Following many cycles of CPR, MTM and defibs Amirah starts breathing alone. An excellent on location resus clip with strong symptoms, rolled eyes, Hollywood style AED, strong chest compressions, and real MTM breathings thru MTM mask. A must-see clip for on location resus fans!