Miss Mia - Stopping the Neighborhood Gossip
Neighborhood gossip Mia has been spreading false rumors about Zahn cheating on his wife and he wants to make sure she stops and won’t ever do similar again. He storms into her house, grabbing her, and soon has her bound at the wrists, chest, ankles, and feet (done off-screen). Mia denies telling stories but Zahn ignores her, stuffing a big fuzzy sock in her mouth and tying a white cloth over her lips. Tied as she is and wearing a short dress, Mia is unable to keep her panties from showing as she struggles. One gag likely isn’t enough to teach her a lesson, though, so Zahn returns to cram a big piece of memory foam in her mouth and seal it with 9 strips of silver duct tape. Mia hops around as she moans ineffectually into the mouth-filling gag. Next, half of an orange stress ball is shoved in her mouth and 1-inch black electrical tape is wrapped tightly between her teeth. The stress ball is pushed back deep in Mia’s mouth, causing her to drool uncontrollably. As a final measure, Zahn adds a few turns of 4-inch microfoam tape on top. Then he takes his leave, hoping a few hours with the brutal gag will keep Mia from stirring things up in the future.
The storyline part of the clip ends at around 16:38 and the rest is behind the scenes footage showing the removal of Mia’s last gag.
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