Britney is at the Doctor's Office for a heart exam because she feels heart palpitations often. Dr. Nicky checks her BP and then listens her heart and lungs with a stethoscope. Then she performs a heart palpation as patient Britney lays on her back. The doctor listens to her mytral valve with a steth as patient Britney lays on her side in a prone position. Finally, they prep her for a bicycle stress test. Electrodes are placed on her chest and the exam begins. In the midst of the test they again check Britney's BP and steth her heart. When Britney completes the test she is tired and lies down to rest, breathing deeply and gasping for air. The med team checks her BP again and steths her thoroughly. Indications are that everything is OK. Clip features Britney's actual heartbeat, ECG, steth. A must see clip for heartbeat and stress test fans!