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Czech Amazon
Czech Amazon
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CA09 Giselle vs Frank - Onslaught Domination

12/6/22 9:06 AM23 min1362 MBmp4720p
Price13.49 EUR


Giselle  /5"11 (172 cm) 120 lb (54 kg) 30 yo/ demonstrates her utterly evil skills of both, physical and mental male demolition to Frank /5'8" (173 cm) 130 lb (59 kg) 30 yo/ in the onslaught rules match.

The slender, modelesque Giselle is no newbie to the wrestling scene and she knows very well how to inflict pain with her tight scissors, chokes and other moves.

Czech vixen isn't afraid to use nasty holds like chin-lock or lotus lock to show Frank, that he shouldn't underestimate her. While effortlessly dominating the skinny Frank, beautiful Giselle also trash talks and verbally humiliates Frank till his male ego shatters.. Frank can barely do anything when Giselle decides to use him as a seat and push her foot on his face to prove her point, while she mocks his weakness some more. This sadistic woman clearly enjoys putting our jobber into humiliating pins, transitioning to headsit too, putting all her weight on his head. His moans just make Giselle smirk!

This will be the right hit on spot for fans of one-sided wrestling domination with pins, headscissors, foot-domination and of course, merciless bullies such as Giselle!

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