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F O C U S Obedience Trance Training

10/10/21 6:43 PM9 min271 MBmp4720p
Price13.49 EUR


If you thought it's so easy to get my attention, then you are highly mistaken. You have to keep all your focus on me just to get the slightest bit of my attention. And today as you play this clip, I want you to give me your undivided attention and fully focus on my image on your screen and listen to my voice with full focus. With every finger snap, you pay attention to me more and more. After all, to earn my attention, you must give a lot of time to me and make a good effort for it. Focus and don't let your thoughts wander. My presence, my words, my control and dominance entails your complete world. Always remember whatever attention I give you in return is so valuable so you better make it worthy. This is a strict and stern obedience training program, very dominating, so make sure to follow my words well.

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