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Miss Jenn Davis
Miss Jenn Davis

A Miss Jenn Skype Spanking [MP4](HD)

2/2/21 10:50 AM26 min587 MBmp41080p
Price19.99 EUR


HD 1920x1080 video

Have you ever wanted to know what it might be like to do a spanking CAM show with Miss Jenn? Well here is your chance. In this video, Miss Jenn instructs her girl, Debbie, to spank herself. Miss Jenn watches & observes to make sure that Debbie is giving herself HARD strokes, Miss Jenn chooses which implements Debbie uses, how long she gets spanked for, as well as the manner in which she gets spanked.

If you enjoy self spanking, watching others getting spanked, or want to know what this experience might be like & whether you want to try a skype spanking, then this is the video for you!


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