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Miss Jenn Davis
Miss Jenn Davis

Drew Finally Meets the Woman Next Door

12/3/24 2:38 AM9 min7 MBmp3
Price9.99 EUR
CategorySpanking F/m


A new guy has moved into the apartment next door. Miss Jenn quickly realize what kind of person he is. Every night, and even during the middle of the day, she hears pornography playing through the walls. Seems like he’s just another horny loser with no self control. Miss Jenn has decided enough is enough. One day she waits for Drew to come home, pretending it’s just a coincidence she's in the hallway at the same time. She's surprised to see he’s a tall, some might say handsome man in his early 30s. She had expected someone younger and more immature based on his recent behavior. Not someone old enough to know better.

With a devilish smile and seductive tone, it was embarrassingly easy to introduce herself and invite him over for a late night drink in a few hours. Afterwards she could hear his loud voice bragging to someone about the “hot milf with a great ass” next door. This only makes Miss Jenn more confident the plans for him are necessary.

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