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Hit the Mat Boxing and Wrestling
Hit the Mat Boxing and Wrestling
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Shannon vs Darrius Mixed Wrestling MP4

4/26/18 4:50 AM11 min258 MBmp4480p
Price10.49 EUR


Darrius comes in to wrestle an impatient Shannon, why? Do we really need a reason?  They immediately lock up and Darrius takes control of the busty Shannon with a headlock.  Shannon fights her way out with a punch to his gut, and then slaps her own headlock on Darrius.  This mixed wrestling battle sees both exchanging holds and fighting for dominance, neither able to assert a clear advantage over the other. The momentum seems to switch in to Darrius's favor once he stretches Shannon out in a Lotus Lock, then afterwards Darrius slaps on a TIGHT that Shannon cannot seem to escape from, and our winner is determined.  Shannon goes night night!  Darrius poses over the defeated Shannon afterwards.

Fantasy mixed wrestling.

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