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Hit the Mat Boxing and Wrestling
Hit the Mat Boxing and Wrestling
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Chanell Heart vs Kay Femdom Boxing Remastered (720WMV)

9/11/24 9:36 AM24 min1580 MBwmv720p
Price21.99 EUR


Chanell Heart Beats Up Kay Femdom Boxing Remastered in 1280x720 at 60FPS

Chanell Heart is back at Hit the Mat to kick some ass! Kay from Facebook doesn't think much of Chanell's fighting skills as she's "just a pornstar". After feeling each other out the first round, K takes the initiative and starts seeing what Chanell can take. K dominates much of Round 2 and it seems he might be right about her lack of boxing skill! Round 3, an enraged Chanell takes charge and starts hammering K with hard, smacking blows to the body. Chanell dominates the rest of the match, beating up K and knocking him down several times until he can no longer get up.
Chanell goes hard on his body with real hits and whacks him in the face with stiff shots multiple times.

Femdom Mixed Boxing

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