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Hit the Mat Boxing and Wrestling
Hit the Mat Boxing and Wrestling
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Sheena the Destroyer - Femdom Mix (2022)

12/20/24 8:08 AM19 min1493 MBmp41080p
Price14.49 EUR


A compilation of two Sheena femdom beatdowns from 2022, Sheena mixed boxing and Sheena mixed wrestling vs blonde jobber guy.

Sheena returns to Hit the Mat, this time in the HTM ring to take on the returning blonde jobber guy!  What follows is a complete and brutal ass kicking, with blonde jobber guy turning bright red from the pain and pressure of Sheena's powerful holds.  Kicks, scissors, submissions, lifting him up like a rag doll, it's a complete femdom squash!  Sheena mocks and humiliates blonde jobber guy, leaving him tapping and begging for the beating to stop.  But as she has her foot on his neck and declaring victory, blonde jobber guy  challenges her to a boxing rematch! Next time...

Remember when the guy challenged Sheena to a mixed boxing rematch!  Well, he's about to regret that!  blonde jobber guy claims he's a better boxing than wrestler (HAHAHAHA), but has to resort to cheap shots at the very start.  While he does manage to land SOME punches, and even a knockdown, Sheena royally kicks his ass. Blonde jobber guygets beat around the ring and knocked down multiple times, and I'm not sure he even knows where or WHO he is after Sheena is done with him.

Two Sheena beatdowns for a discount.

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