People used to tell you that you should stop... They used to tell you that you are wrong... But now you are here with me, and finally you can rest! Thanks to me you can do what you really enjoy to do, moreover i will encourage you to drink more! I know that you love to drink a lot, and whenever you become you will become super horny as well... This is what you are : an This is what you like: and masturbation... You want to drink more and more and its fine by me! Stroke and drink, whenever i snap with my fingers, swallow more from your favorite beverage and relax! Do what you really want to do, and give a damn about anything else! The only thing that matters to drink more and more just to forget about everything! This is what you deserve, this is what you need !This is what you wanted to become : and o drink, drink, drink! Go on and drink your life away and come for me!