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Pandagrl Fetish Clips
Pandagrl Fetish Clips
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Trying To Breathe Hair Over Face

12/1/19 12:48 PM17 min1017 MBmp41080p
Price13.49 EUR
Related CategoriesWet Look


This is a custom video, Starting off with my hair dry I lean back in the bath tub and wet my hair, holding my breath and eyes open looking into the camera I flip my head side to side and my hair fans out, I flip my head into my hair, it coveres my face like mesh and I come up to the waterline trying to breathe through my hair and the water, it creates a suction like membrane effect. I go back under and try to recreate different hair over the face motions but I desperately run out of air trying to perfect this technique. I choke and gasp for air several times and hold my breath till I get it right, I emerge several times with my hair over my face and with my face with no hair trying to get the custom right. I struggle to breathe and I perfect hair over the face at the same time. 

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