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The Miss Ginger
The Miss Ginger
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Blackmailed Into Toilet Slavery (MailTimer)

8/12/24 2:27 PM12 min381 MBmp41080p
Price14.49 EUR


Hi bitch boy, how are you? I know you're aching to do some vile, humiliating tasks for me aren't you? Your life is boring, everyday the same thing over and over. You hate your life as it is now and you ache to feel something, anything, even at your own expense. You want to live on the edge, you want to feel some sort of excitement, you want to escape. You love jerking for me, gooning for me and now you have become so addicted that you are easily influenced into doing whatever I want. Today is no different, watch and pump as I penetrate your mind with my words, swaying my body in front of you, encouraging you to goon yourself into a place you can't return from. Once you do this task for me, there is no turning back, you will be mine to use as I see fit, when I see fit, no matter how much it may break you or your bank account. This is your warning. Be careful, this task is not for the weak and only true Ginger addicts should participate.

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