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Freedivers_359 Dildo SCUBA Ride

3/9/23 3:02 PM10 min724 MBmp41080p
Price14.49 EUR


Hello underwater friends!
Do you have your own pool or live by the sea? If so, you are very lucky.

I would love to have my own pool. I'd go underwater every day. It would be amazing. I'd have so many wonderful experiences. I'd enjoy pleasure in a thousand ways. My dildo would be used every day.

I don't use a dildo in bed, but I like using it in the water. The combination of water, breath holding and a big dildo is amazing. I like the ultimate feeling of fulfillment.

In the clip, the dildo penetrates me and slowly stretches my pussy. I love the feeling. I'm getting excited and opening my mouth. Bubbles of air escape from my mouth and water seeps into me. I'm completely filled. It's like having sex with 2 men. That's a good idea.

The thrill is addictive. If I had a pool at my disposal all the time, I would play like this all the time.



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