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Foot Torment Girls in Poland
Foot Torment Girls in Poland
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Stacey and her painful battle with too-small stilettos

10/27/24 3:12 AM32 min3858 MBmp41080p
Price18.99 EUR


This original idea was born out of a night of observing... of girls coming home from strong parties;)
Stacey, one of them, is a seasoned wearer of tall boots; she wears them both to work and every day, as well as on Friday and Saturday nights, so she accepted the challenge of running and jumping in them with great confidence. However, I, with my innate dyslexia .... I got her foot size wrong when purchasing! Instead of buying a 38.5-39 (7.5-8 US), I bought.... 36 (4.5 US) ;D Stacey, to my surprise, didn't give up on the task, or even want to change the original scenario she assumes;
- running on uneven, at times boggy terrain

- putting small stones in her shoes

- trampling her toes, which are squeezed in her shoe

- moving around jumping all over the task

See for yourself if my brash new model Stacey managed these tasks ;)

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