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Nicky Entranced - 3 of 3

4/28/15 7:43 AM67 min893 MBwmv720p
Price15.99 EUR


The Fembot / Body Swap / Napping Potion portion of my Directors Choice mesmerism shoot with Nicky Phillips.

A COMPLETE 2 hour 20 minute edition is available below and offers the best value as well as bonus footage.

Re-Induction & Deepening
Rigid Check
Fembot Trance
Fembot Pose Mode
Installing a male Program in Nicky-Bots mind
Nick the Macho-Man
Nicky / Nick Switching
Nick discusses his massive penis
and Nickys reaction
Napping Potion
Eye Check
My Biggest Fan / Haughty Woman Switching
She would *love* to show me her boobs / No she wouldnt!
Haughty cant stop exposing herself
Every Snap means clothing has to come off
Fembot Posing in Garterbelt & Stockings
Fembot Walk Cycle
Fembot Maid Clean-up
Intelligence set to 5%
Zombie Walking
Kitty in body and mind.
Nickys mind but Kittys body & behaviour
Laser to the head = Mindless
Slow Freeze
Lifted & Placed on the Turntable
Believes that being my doll is a dream come true
Describes her Slow Freeze as it happen
Glamourous Assistant shows off her mesmerism skills
The Assistant triggers herself to rest
Closing Chat

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