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Honour Entranced 5 (DC) Part 1 of 4

4/7/17 3:28 PM30 min1317 MBmp4720p
Price12.49 EUR
KeywordsHonour May


The Introduction, Induction, and early phenomena section of my fifth shoot with Honour May. (None Nude)

A COMPLETE edition is also available which offers the best value.

Tactile Induction (Loves being stroked)
Awake and loves being touched…
… then feels SHE’S being inappropriate!
Rest Trigger Testing
Addicted to being petted
Needs to nuzzle
Installing Freeze and Blank Triggers
Amnesia: Doesn’t realise that we’ve already started
Freeze Trigger Testing
Face play and mouth shapes
Blank Trigger Testing
Trained to say “Yes Master”
Blank Underwear Flashing
Realisation and Confusion
Blank EyeRoll
Blanked Mid Conversation
Believes she’s a Doll (which explains why she can’t move)
Posing HonourDoll and Freezing her Mind
Frozen Doll Play
Released Doll Drops my Damn Phone!
Can the Neighbours see!?
Irresistably Tired

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