Your bratty roommate has come home with a massive vore belly… Again! Who did She eat this time? Will She let you watch Her digest them? She’s in a fiery mood but allows you to stare at Her bloated stomach and hear Her burp under one condition: you let Her eat one of your friends this weekend. In fact, She has had Her eyes on one of your friends for a long time now. Upon agreeing to Her demands, Her attitude softens. She sits back and, in between loud belches, talks about Her digestive process, describing the type of vore victims She loves to eat most and how She swallows them whole. Her huge, bubbling belly begins to wear Her out. Before She retires to Her bedroom, She lays out the plan how to entrap your friend and gives you an intense warning. Go through with your end of the deal or you’ll be Her next meal. It is as simple as that!
Listen to your bratty roommate or else you'll become the next victim of Her digestive system!