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World Goddess
World Goddess
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Lick cow off my Boots!!

10/31/18 9:31 AM8 min223 MBmp41080p
Price8.49 EUR


What a TOTAL loser, who does s*** like this?!?! Whenever I deal with cattle and ranching, I wear my dirty cowgirl boots and this was immediately after being down at the Auction Yard! I had texted dufus on my way home saying, "be ready to lick s*** off my boots, dumbass!" Yes, there is actual and cow s*** on my boot soles...wedged in, and these boots are SO grimy and dirty (and worn for YEARS)--they aren't even fit to be inside the house-- I normally keep them in the garage. The crud is mostly caked on the sides of the right heel and deeply wedged in that gap between the heel and the sole (some of it is old, some is from today!). It's really jammed in there and the kind you have to actually use your teeth to scrape off!! SOOOO GROSS!!! These have been worn for the dirtiest of jobs on the ranch and to some of the bars after hours. I just relax on the couch and text one of the hot guys I know from the Yard, flirting with him while 'dum dum' licks my boots clean. 

How humiliating! Can you imagine--> on your knees, licking the soiled soles of a woman's boots, everything she's stepped in while she flirts with another guy? It makes me so wet!! 

I also make doofus kiss every inch of my boots to amuse me. What he craves the most is my goddess feet, and to have the honor of worshiping them, you'd better lick my boots spotless and later at some point I might let you lick my feet--like after a girl's night out dancing at the bar! After he is done degrading himself, he receives no 'thank you,' I just shoo him slave is a total dumbass but hey at least my footwear is always clean lol!!

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