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World Goddess
World Goddess
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CUCKOLD 5 (seven new cucky rules to obey!!)

5/17/19 6:21 PM7 min215 MBmp41080p
Price7.99 EUR


Since this loser is my full time foot cucky now, his dumbass needs some laws that he'll be living by from now on--lord knows he'll fuck everything up if there's no proper guidelines, so I lay down what the new humiliating rules are and make him memorize them and read them back to me (I am writing them down while he licks my kitchen tile). When he repeats one correctly, he is allowed the honor of kissing my pedicured toenails. But if he messes one up, he is punished...

This will help him focus and train him to be become a MUCH better foot cuckold for me and my hot dates!!! (and don't think I forgot about my boytoy's dried precum that's still on my foot!!)

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