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30 Second Premature Ejaculation Ripoff

12/5/19 9:37 PM2 min283 MBmp41080p
Price14.99 EUR


You’re such a weak little excuse of a man. You’re constantly jerking off but you can’t seem to last more than a few seconds. You’re a premature ejaculating loser and unfortunately you’ll never be able to last long enough to get any action. That’s probably why you can’t get a girlfriend, you’ll never be able to please a woman with your premature ejaculations that only last a few seconds. If you can manage to last a few minutes .. after this clip. I promise you wont. A man as incompetent as you should have to pay just as much if not MORE for your measly little orgasm. You’re going to buy this clip even though you’ll only have the opportunity to stroke for 30 seconds. I want you to stroke your poor excuse of a cock to me and my amazing body is going to coax you into cumming in 30 seconds good luck. 

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