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Did femdom porn make you gay? Take the test and find out now!

6/5/23 5:15 PM10 min194 MBmp41080p
Price10.49 EUR
CategoryMind Fuck


I don't know if you know this, but I have a degree in science and cognitive behavioural therapy.
With my professional and expert knowledge I have created a very unique test that can actually tell if you're gay or, if you just like wanking over cock and nothing more!
I know that a lot of you guys struggle with the after effects of orgasm, when you've been jerking to Femdom gayness and I know that this often brings feelings of conflict and anxiety, so I wanted to create this special test to give you the answers you're looking for!
My test is super simple to follow!
You will be instructed to jerk over my big sexy tits only!
There is no strap-on or cocks shown in the clip whatsoever!
If you do see a dick or a strap-on, it is because you're imagining it and you're actually a closet gay!
Don't be scared, take the test and find out who you really are today!

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