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Find out if this sexy homewrecking trance REALLY works!

11/22/23 4:55 PM15 min400 MBmp41080p
Price14.49 EUR
CategoryHome Wrecker


Are you feeling brave? Horny? Ready to risk it all?
I know your married cock is!
Your married cock is always ready to take the risks that your boring married brain won't!
That's why the thought of this sexy homewrecking trance gets you so excited!
Deep down you love the idea of me really going ahead and ruining your marriage!
All you need to do is get nice and comfortable!
Make sure she isn't going to be around to interrupt us!
I'm going to start by giving you detailed jerk off instructions that you'll eventually do without thinking.
I'm then going to ease your unfaithful little brain into a deep sexy trance! o
Once I've completely silenced those boring married thoughts, I will then speak directly to your hard married cock!
I don't want you to worry too much about whether this will work or not.
If it does, you will only feel the effects for a couple of days and she will barely notice the change in you!
It will just be our sexy little secret!

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