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Jerk Off Instructions Addicts Anonymous!

7/8/24 7:01 PM17 min355 MBmp41080p
Price15.99 EUR
CategoryFemdom Pov


*Introducing a new AA group:
Jerk Off Instructions Addicts Anonymous!
Why new?
Because the classic designations Masturbations Addicts and Onania Addicts refer to a practice where subjects reach orgasm through their own fantasies and no-one is instructing them on how to jerk off, or to whom they'll jerk off too! They're addicted to compulsive behaviour and are often fully aware of their condition but have no will, no chance or help, in gaining the appropriate knowledge on how to stop this behaviour. Biology tells them that it's fully legitimate and therefore feel totally free to indulge in their fantasies as and when the mood takes them.
JOI or Jerkoff instructions on the other hand have become popular amongst a more or less big community of wankers since the break through of the internet and hot women publishing short clips where they encourage and instruct horny males to masturbate over their content.
Over time, some of those males, for whatever reason, have become not only masturbation addicts, but they kind of levelled up to become jerk off instruction addicts.
They can no longer get hard or reach orgasm without the instruction of a sexy dominant women that tells them how to do it and often spend large amounts of money when seeking their 'fix'.
It is true, there are Sex Addicts Anonymous groups our there, but at the moment there are no jerkoff instructions addict groups, that was until now..*

Congratulations by the way, on attending your first JOIAA session!
As a newbie, Supervisor Jasmine will have a little chat with you once everyone has left. This is pretty standard practice as Jasmine likes to get to know all new comers so that she can really build rapport with them..

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