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ALISA, ISABELE and KARINA - A surprise awaits you - our dirty boots and sweaty feet! (4K)

4/13/24 1:05 AM18 min2012 MBmp44k
Price16.99 EUR


Karina, Isabel and Alisa returned from the rock concert. Their boots were dirty and their feet were very sweaty from the intense dancing. At home, the old slave monica was obediently waiting for them. The old whore has to clean the girls' boots and wash the clean from their feet and socks. First, Alisa ordered the old woman to clean the soles of her shoes with her tongue. It seems that the floor at the concert was very dirty, someone was spitting on the floor, someone was putting out cigarettes. monica removes all this dirt with her tongue. When all the dust and dirt from the soles ended up on the old woman’s tongue, the girls took off their shoes. Their feet got really, really sweaty. The girls don't like this smell, so Karina ordered monica - "Get rid of this stench! Now!" This smell is so nauseating, it seems like monica really doesn't like it. The girls laugh and make the old woman enjoy the smell of their sweaty feet. After which Isabele offered to taste their sweaty socks. The girls took turns shoving their feet into monica's throat. The taste is even worse than the smell, which makes monica gag from time to time. The girls seem to be delighted with this evening.

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