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Amazon Kandy Lifts and Carries Frankie part 2

9/28/24 5:04 AM10 min230 MBMP4720p
Price11.49 EUR


I know you loved part 1 where Frank comes to Kandyland and meets Kandylegs for the very first time. You are definitely going to like part 2 as Kandy brings Frank back to Kandyland. Frank had so much fun with Kandylegs the first time and Kandylegs is so much more comfortable with Frank the second time. Frank really knows how to balance himself in the air which makes Kandy super comfortable to try some new lifts that she has always wanted to try. You will see Kandylegs get more comfortable as she lifts and carries Frank while she is fully nude. If you liked Part 1 I GUARANTEE you are going to like Part 2 better as Frank comes back to Kandyland.

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