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My Boyfriend, the Gooner

8/28/24 8:35 PM10 min591 MBmp41080p
Price10.49 EUR


I've discovered your dirty little secret: you're a chronic masturbator and gooner - addicted to porn. But instead of walking out the door, I've decided to take matters into my own hands. From now on, you're forbidden from stroking to porn - I'll only allow you to pump that goon stick for me!

I'll tease you with my huge, perfect boobs and round ass; but don't even think about getting inside my hot, tight, and wet pussy – that privilege has been revoked, and your dick is too broken by porn to deserve it.

I, on the other hand, will continue to live my life as I please, fucking whoever I want, whenever I want. You'll be left to fantasize about me; begging for a taste of that divine pussy you'll never be sliding into again!

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