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PIED (Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction) (WMV HD)

1/4/25 7:05 AM7 min328 MBwmv1080p
Price7.99 EUR



So much porn, so much jerking off… What did you think was going to happen? Did you really think you could indulge in your chronic masturbation habit and not suffer any consequences?


You’re suffering from a case of porn induced erectile dysfunction. In very simple terms, you’ve officially broken your dick.

Your dick won’t get hard for real life sexual experiences anymore, so you’ve given up on real sex and you’ve fully devoted yourself to chronically masturbating and excessively bingeing on porn.

Now if that wasn’t sad enough in itself, you’ve found yourself fighting to maintain an erection with porn now, too! The gorilla grip on your cock has numbed your dick, just like porn numbed your brain.


You’re jerking off with a semi and you know it’s pathetic and embarrassing but your need to jerk off comes before anything.

Listening to me taunt you about your ED and call you a floppy dicked wanker should be a wake up call, but instead, it only spurs you on to keep pumping at your semi to my porn.
You know you’re humiliating yourself by fapping at your broken dick but it will never stop you furiously beating it in a desperate attempt to beat your PIED and get your dick fully hard once again.

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