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OPandER Erotic Medical Fetish CPR
OPandER Erotic Medical Fetish CPR
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Aislin Cardiac Arrest at Girlfriend's Place CPR, Resus, MTM, AED (in HD 1920X1080)

4/12/18 12:21 PM17 min1162 MBmp41080p
Price17.99 EUR


(English) Aislin is at her girlfriend's apartment and she wants her to watch a horror movie with her. Aislin mentions offhand she's been to the doctor's office earlier and the doctor says she has some kind of heart issue and will need some kind of extended heart exam soon. As she watches the creepy, gory film she starts feeling dizzy and in the next moment collapses. Dolly immediately calls for help and fortunately her neighbor Hillary is at home. She's a nurse trainee and has an AED she's been using to practice. When the women realize Aislin has no pulse and is not breathing at all they start CPR immediately. Hillary turns the machine on and they do everything according to the machine's instructions. They cut off her t-shirt and bra, and place the AED pads. The defibrillator is charged but there is no responses following the shock. The girls start a long cycle of resus on Aislin with CPR, MTM breathing and AED shocks. Hillary removes Aislin's socks too. Following many cycles of resuscitation Aislin's pulse returns. The girls then await the ambulance. A very exciting on location resuscitation clip with AED, CPR and ambu bagging on naturally breasted Aislin. Don't miss this one!


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