(English) Amirah is under resuscitation by the partners in the wrestling gym after an accident. Following a successful AED shock, Amirah’s pulse returns. The paramedics arrive and immediately start to examine the patient while they her gym mates about what happened. They take off the AED pads, take her BP, listen to her heart, hook her up to a heart monitor, put an oxygen mask on, etc. Meanwhile, Amirah's condition worsens. She is breathing heavily, her eyes roll, and the paramedics have to start resuscitation immediately. They administer CPR and ventilate her. The manual defibrillator is charged but there is no response following the first round. The parameds have to perform a few more cycles and defibrillations before Amirah's pulse returns to normal rhythm. A very exciting on location post wresting match resus video. With MTM, 3 lead ECG, Ambu bagging, rolled eyes. A must see clip for all on location and paramed resus fans. (EC)