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Protein Wrestling
Protein Wrestling
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Chazzie vs Flavio in a topless Scissorsholds match

6/23/24 8:04 AM11 min3021 MBMP41440p
Price14.49 EUR


Newcomer Flavio takes on the Muscular Chazzie in a scissorholds video. Chazzie decides she wanted to go topless. Flavio is very happy that she is topless for this scissorholds video. Chazzie begins to dominate Flavio by putting him in head scissors and body scissors with her muscular thighs, which Flavio has no choice but to tap out with each squeeze. Flavio head gets lost in Chazzie thick thighs when she applies head scissors on him. There was one point in  the video were Chazzie claims she not even squeezing a 100% but just 20%. Flavio in the past has done plenty of scissorsholds videos, but nothing like Chazzie huge muscular thighs. Can Flavio take Chazzie’s squeezes with her muscular thighs without tapping out? Check out this video to find out.

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