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Gaia arrests Gilda for a not paid fine

8/18/24 1:00 AM20 min899 MBmov1080p
Price15.99 EUR


Gilda wears tight blue jeans, high heels and a lether jacket.
Gilda arrives at her home and she sees a message on her phone.
She colls and the police woman Gaia answers her.
Gaia tells Gilda that police has to come on her home for some quesitons.
When police woman Gaia arrives at Gilda home she arrests Gilda for a not paid fines.
Gilda doen't belive in this strange situation.
After searching for Gilda handcuffs and chains, legirons and waist chain with connector chain.
"Am i a criminal?" asks Gilda to police woman Gaia.
But this is standard proceure for arresting. You can be a criminal or you don't pay a fine you will be arrested, handcuffed and shackled in the same way, for your security for our security.
Then they go in polcie office where after undressing and wearing one piece black and white jumpsuit, gilda will be shackled and handcuffed in the same way: waist chain, connector chain, handcuffs and legirons.

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