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The journalist Luna and the famous actress Gaia

12/18/24 1:00 AM20 min945 MBmp41080p
Price16.99 EUR


The journalist Luna is waiting at the airport the ariving of famous actress Gaia.
It is a very important interview for her carrer but a polcie man asks her to move in another position.
But Gaia is a fmaous acrtress and Luna si very nervous so she starts do discuss with the police man.
Both girls will be arrested and handcuffed by hinghed handcuffs behind back and searched.
Then police man adds a pair of legirons for each girl.
In polcie office for Gaia and Luna a one piece pink jumpsuit, transport chains with black box.
Luna is very nervous when they will be into the cell and for Gaia is a strange and new experience ...

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