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Tickle Therapy - Lithie

12/18/24 8:17 PM24 min2685 MBmov1080p
Price18.99 EUR


Well well.

We have a new member inducted into the ‘O’ hall of fame in the tickling world. I have only met a few but sure enough, some women are wired with a ‘go’ button from their soles right up to the main hardware! The lucky few. I’ve had other models stunned by that info, usually followed with a ‘lucky girl’ comment.

Meet Lithie, another true to life tickle fetishist, who lined up a shoot with me after we spoke a while. Once comfortable she said ‘hey look I do this thing when I’m tickled…’

No need to get into the details, watch for yourself - but I eased her concern when I assured her, she isn’t the first and very likely not the last!

She’s beautifully ticklish with a wonderful pair of feet on her (oh, and she LOVES roasting, more on that in a future write up) - who as a huge bonus, can indeed release from tickling alone - wow! Once I realize the technique to make it happen, well I went full gear as always, without any mercy. I’m not sure if she loved it or hated it?

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