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Christy's Dirty Bare Feet - (Hi Quality Version)

12/9/24 1:56 AM4 min53 MBwmv480p
Price7.49 EUR
CategoryDirty Feet
KeywordsFemdom Pov


That was shot on a Really Hot Summer Day where Christy had some problems with her shoes so she had to walk through the City Bare Feet! She was Really Happy to see you there waiting for the bus at Central Station! Christy takes a seat on that bench right in front of you and it seems like she got some Diabolic Plans for you before you take the bus! She wants you to bown down on your knees and lick all that dirt at the bottom of her soles in front of the community! She wants you to prove her how you would do anything to please her! Even beeing humiliated in Public by licking those Nasty, Dirty Soles! She also wants to see your Dirty Black tongue after you cleaned them so she can laugh at you! Make sure you clean and refresh all the Dirty Spot!


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