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CBT Ballbust Yourself For Me Not God

5/20/24 12:53 PM17 min900 MBmp41080p
Price16.99 EUR


You're going to make good use of that holy book of yours today in a blasphemous and devious manner! You see, I know that your so-called god has been busting your balls all your life. It is as though setting you up for failure is amusing to him.

So let's have our own bit of sacrilegious fun!

Since you have allowed yourself a ballbusting from 'him' all your life and that's been nothing but misery, then you can self-CBT and bust those balls for Me!

You CAN do it! All it takes is just one tap on your sensitives. I will be with you guiding you the whole way through this. From giving you masturbation encouragement and instructions on some good CBT positions, I will be there all the way through.

Now let's get working you up into horny, cock pumping, lustful sinner because I want you moaning, making those sexy groans and giving me those pain gasping swears under your breath.

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