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Perfect Pussy Is Not For You And All YOU Get Is This

9/2/24 7:51 PM16 min454 MBmp41080p
Price15.99 EUR


I am the ultimate denial Goddess because nudes is not something you will ever see here. MY perfect pussy is the one pussy YOU will never see.

No matter how much porn you watch and masturbate your lonely unfuckable dick to - THIS pussy will always be denied to you and along with that, I am going to keep you in orgasm denial too.

Throbbing, edging, aching endlessly is what a boy like you deserves. It's all you should ever get. Always stroking, always needing, forever denied.

All you get is this. The cameltoe crease of my silky, tight, panty crease to jerk off endlessly to. My perfect ass teasing you and my strong thighs mesmerizing you are there to mock you of what else you'll never get to feel, touch or taste but this... just this clothed, covered up pussy crease is the closet to my divine pussy that you'll be allowed.

Now stroke! Stroke that horny desperate cock of yours. You're going to love being pussy denied and devoted to Goddess Yolanda.

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