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It's So Small But So Very Horny!

10/11/24 9:47 PM15 min583 MBmp41080p
Price15.49 EUR


Such a tiny little penis that you have there but my gosh! It's such a horny little wriggler! I know you're embarrassed that you don't have the dick an adult man should but I am so amused by how much of a humper you still manage to be!

Some guys can mattress hump till they cum but can your pecker even reach? I bet that all it takes for you to masturbate is flicking it a little bit. It's as cute as a button!

I want you to go for it and show me how you hump and rub that itty bitty peen. Just think - my juicy big natural tits would probably swallow that miniature carrot of yours right up!

Small Penis Humiliation (with a delicious blend of Small Penis Encouragement) doesn't have to be course and aggressive cause even with me talking to you in cool, sweet, cutsie talk is going to be enough for you to feel like the sexual reject you are.

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