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Goddess Bs Slave Training 101
Goddess Bs Slave Training 101
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9/22/23 9:05 AM7 min642 MBmp41080p
Price9.49 EUR


Would you like something custom made to live out your own fun fantasy or fetish? Email me your custom idea now for rates to have it made into reality!

You can barely remember a time you weren't completely obsessed with me, Every fantasy and desire in your life is definitely tied. From my beautiful hair down to my delicious little toes you stay weak, needy & eager to submit and Obey. Naturally, I oblige you keeping you stupid and vulnerable,

It's never Enough and it never will be, whatever you did yesterday no longer matters and what you did today won't matter tomorrow either. Everyday is a new day to please an impress Goddess B, Her maturity and grace only match her beauty and incredible body, she's no young, silly bimbo. She knows how your mind works and no better way to control your cock & wallet forever than through the power of controlling your mind. 

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