Lying, Cheating Hubby Regressed to Pamper Wearing BB
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Welcome home dear, another late night I see, Oh no its fine, I’m fine, everything is fine, why don’t you come in and relax, take a load off, your text message said you were “feeling kinda funny” and decided to leave the office early even though you said you’d be working very late, you certainly aren’t early but this is earlier than your normal 1-2AM walk-ins. You start to sweat, your body hurts, its extremely achy, you begin to speak up, cry out, yell for my help but the only thing that comes out is a big, loud, wet cry!!!!! Tears run down your face as it gets redder and redder with every passing moment you are getting angrier and throwing an even bigger fit, you can’t find your words ANYMORE, all that comes out is babbling and cries, you body is shrinking, getting smaller, you are losing control of your arms, hands and legs. They flail about the more upset you become, Wifey begins to sooth you, she pulls out a big pacifier and you have no idea what she plans to do with it until she pops it into your mouth, and you instantly start sucking and stop crying, that’s when she begins to explain what is happening to you. She tells you all about your little date tonight, the lies you’ve been telling and the cheating you’ve been doing, who do you think you are? Actually, who do you think you WERE??? Now you are “missing” you went to work and never returned, eventually your beautiful stay at home wifey emerges with a new bb, she explains all your adultery and other misgivings and it assumed you’ve run off and left everything behind, including your extremely successful business that now belongs to me. Now with you bouncing and whining on my hip, I will be calling the shots in the boardroom and will no doubt, achieve the true success and titles you NEVER could. All while taking care of my poor, pathetic, crying whittle bb.
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