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Tara Tainton
Tara Tainton

Don't Cry just because You're Weaker than the Weaker Sex

5/21/11 10:05 AM14 min172 MBavi480p
Price16.99 EUR


Oh, come on. I just want to play! Let's see who's stronger? Why hesitate, you know you'll win. You're a man, and I'm just a I just want a friendly wrestling match... it's kind of sexy, don't you think? Ah, you're not frightened of me, are you? Huh, are you?? Check out my biceps and these strong thighs. Have you seen my calf muscles? Let me show you what I can do with them? Ha! It was so easy to grab you! Can you let go? You can't! Ha! Oh, I didn't mean to overpower you. I love you. Why won't you let me hug you? Come on, give your girlfriend a kiss... Ha, got you again! And you can't even escape! I bet if we had an arm wrestling match you'd be SUCH a baby about it!

Love you!

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