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Barbatus Fetish and Training Academ
Barbatus Fetish and Training Academ
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Product Testing 2

1/3/23 6:37 PM10 min796 MBmp41080p
Price9.49 EUR
Related CategoriesFemale Training


When I took control of the unbearably sexy Coco, I knew I had set myself up for something great! If her friends are half as hot as her, then I'll have a whole stable of mindless dolls in no time. The first girl she pulled into my trap was Kat Van Wylder...I knew as soon as I saw her that she had to be mine. Luckily, Coco has access to some of my tools and tricks now. I don't have to recruit Kat...Coco will do it for me! Once she has our new toy under her control, she'll have to run through a few know, make Kat do a few things to ensure that the link is complete. Once we have her, she'll call some of her friends too...and the recruitment just keeps going! This movie contains ear piece induction, verbal commands, zombie walking, serial recruitment

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