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Busty Criminal Smothers A Super-hero

2/9/25 12:35 AM20 min1494 MBmp44k
Price20.99 EUR


A master criminal and her partner in crime have a big heist planned this weekend, but if they're going to pull it off, there's no room for error. That means the local superhero needs to be taken care of, so that you can't interfere. Easy enough. You're known for being a sucker for a pretty face and big tits, so making sure you're out for the count should be no problem for her. She stages a burglary and plays the victim in her own home, waiting like a damsel in stress for you to come to her rescue. Predictably, you play right into her hand. All she needs to do now is use her magic vape and her feminine charm to seduce you, bury you in her cleavage and lull you off to blissful unawareness...

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