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Sultry Muscular Calves
Sultry Muscular Calves
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Kitchen Reach Long Gray Skirt Barefeet and Wedged High Heels

3/21/22 2:44 PM5 min391 MBmp4720p
Price5.99 EUR


Sultry is wearing a long sexy gray skirt. She barefoot at first in the kitchen and reaches in the cabinets. Her calf muscles contract into beautiful upside down hearts as she stands high on her tippy toes. Imagine sitting in a chair watching as she struggles to find what she's looking for on the very top shelf. That's the view point that you get in this clip. She changes foot positions which shows the inner and outer heads of her thick calf muscles. She also shows off her inner head individually as they are nice and pumped from the reaching. Then she has on wedged high heels doing the same thing. Check her out!!  

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