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Risky and Sweaty Fucking Step-Mommy

10/1/24 6:25 PM14 min1101 MBmp41080p
Price14.49 EUR


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POV: You come home from a gym session with your husband (offscreen) and meet your step-son at the door. You say hey and your tell your husband he can use the shower first you need to grab some stuff in your room first anyway.

After this you quietly tell your step-son you got so sweaty and smelly from your workout he is going to love it, you sniff your own armpit with a look of sexual pleasure and tell your step-son you need him in your room right now. You yell to your husband to enjoy his shower and move to the bedroom.

You tell your step-son you got so sweaty during your workout today and all you could think about was coming home and having him sniff you all over and fuck your sweaty pussy again. You sniff your armpits again and ask him to do the same by putting to camera. You then take off your sneakers and smell your own feet with socks on then off and offer them to your step-son to do the same, you mention how hard he is getting from smelling step-mommy.

You then turn around and allow him to sniff your ass, then begin to undress all the way. You say you can't take it anymore and you need him to fuck you. You then allow him to fuck you while you sniff your own armpits and your panties. You both come right as you hear your husband coming back to your room and you tell him he needs to get out quick

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