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Nose Blowing Humiliation Compilation - Step-mother, Teacher, Bully

12/29/24 9:11 PM5 min889 MBmp44k
Price8.49 EUR
CategoryNose Blowing


Experience the utter embarrassment of nose blowing humiliation through these three scenerios.

Step-mother's Humiliation - A step-mother takes her dominance to new heights as she belittles her step-daughter by making her blow her nose for her. The step-daughter's face flushes with humiliation as her step-mother assertively wipes her nose clean.

Teacher's Torment - In front of a classroom full of students, a strict teacher singles out one student for a lesson they'll never forget. "Blow your nose," she orders, extending a tissue. The student obeys and her face turns bright red under the watchful and amused stare of her peers.

Bully's Revenge - Drawing inspiration from the teacher's cruel method, a bully recalls the event and decides to reenact it. After a brief struggle, the bully overpowers her and forses her to blow her nose. The schoolgirl is left feeling utterly defeated and embarrassed.


This was a Custom Video. This is the commissioner's original video description:

The video is not meant to be sexual and contain nudity, but you should still wear somewhat revealing and sexy clothing, like short skirts and with cleavage. As long as it's nothing crazy and unrealistic to the situation, so think "sexy but realistic". The type of video I'm requesting is where humiliating nose blowing is the main focus. This type of video is EXTREMELY rare to come by. Humiliating nose blowing refers to the situation where a dominant person humiliates a submissive person by blowing the submissive's nose for them. This is one of those actions that are considered highly humiliating and embarrassing when done to an adult. A great example of this situation can be seen in the movie "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" in the poker scene, where the girl is making the guy blow his nose with the intent of humiliating him in front of his friends.

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